Sport Injury FAQs

Participating in sports is a great way to express your passion while keeping your body in good condition. Unfortunately, there are certain risks intertwined with athletic endeavors. These risks come in the form of injuries. At Back To Basics, we help aspiring athletes in Atlanta, GA, manage those injuries more effectively. Receiving sports injury treatment is not the only way to avoid a lengthy stint on the sidelines. Understanding sports injuries better can also aid in your prevention efforts.

woman preparing to run

What Are Common Sports Injuries?

Sprains and strains are among the most common sports injuries. Athletes are especially susceptible to these injuries because they may result from normal sports activities. Some of the movements you repeatedly perform while playing sports can lead to the development of sprains and strains. An accidental fall can also cause you to sprain an ankle or suffer a similar injury.

What Is the Best Way to Treat Sports Injuries?

Scheduling chiropractic care is highly recommended if you need sports injury treatment. Chiropractic adjustments excel at treating sports injuries since many of those health issues are related to misalignments in the musculoskeletal system. Your knee or elbow may hurt because your joint is misaligned, and the chiropractor near you can address that issue.

Chiropractic adjustments and other treatments provided by chiropractors also work well for sports injury treatment because they are non-invasive. You can receive chiropractic treatment and remain active in your chosen sport. Avoiding side effects is also possible when you seek treatment from a chiropractor.

When Is Sports Rehabilitation Necessary?

In most cases, a few treatment sessions with your chiropractor should suffice for your sports injury. Still, there are times when you may need more extensive treatment. Recovering from severe injuries, like fractures, requires sports rehabilitation. A sports rehabilitation program usually involves various treatments. Your chiropractor will choose the treatments that can help alleviate your symptoms and restore your physical capabilities. Rehabilitation is a longer process, but it may be necessary for your complete recovery.

How Can You Avoid Sports Injuries?

Your chiropractor can help you avoid sports injuries. Arrange regular sessions with your chiropractor so they can administer the treatments that keep your joints and muscles in good shape.

Contact Our Sports Chiropractors Near You

Get your body in ideal condition for your athletic pursuits by partnering with us at Back To Basics. Stop by our office in Atlanta, GA, and let’s create your chiropractic care routine.


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